Elephant truant

this belief you have in cursing my bones when money problems haunt you is a pose, how to build up a little more fakie power, keep stairstepping over your own responsibility and pretend it has something, anything to do with me, go ahead, keep doing it, aren't your legs getting tired? aren't those splintery handrails lodging intelligent slivers of correspondence between the heart and wisdom lines in your hands getting through to you? take that acupuncture seriously and hold them up in front of your face for a change, a long-awaited change. its a big universe, those huge concepts that get thrown around with such ease and superficial charm, all being launched off the chip on your shoulder, splash into the cup half-empty, oh so tired, so ready to rest, but no, that's not allowed in the scramble for the top, the right, the true cross born with anguish. it continues to amaze me that you've convinced yourself yet again that it is all about me.
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