Down with it

accomplishment television corporeal vanish copper
place on the elevator carageenan apoplexy
nellie on the tellie with a jewel in her belly
like it is down with it like it is down with it like it is
down with it
melotron evaluation paris france incorporation
duty free misty eyes palomino raininghorse
raining in your eyes with a tear and a promise
like it is down with it like it is down with it like it is
down with it
hoping for a chance take a chance you were hoping for
a castle in the sky in the sky you were reaching for
the rockets the rockets blowing out your pockets
like it is down with it like it is down with it like it is
down with it
plastic well enough to abrogate intelligence
illusionary vision copper kettle in the kitchen
what you know what you want to what you want to know you know
like it is down with it like it is down with it like it is
down with it
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