Indeed barnstorming

insist on the killside, bennies on the hillside
doing what you want to an impersonable font
merciful exclusion when encased in an illusion
gelaphone intelligence attuned with solid evidence
bonnie johnnie lifted on the lawnie
did you do it with a mission in mind, did you open up
dance around me now in loud pajamas hefted up toward your chin
palliate disorganized crime, never telling what you know
i was out in the street alone and waiting for the blow
someone kept me away but now forever is a cabinet display
taste that chaste imperfect silo composition leaving holes throughout your wisdom
whaling orders falling short along a beach in window stalingrad
oh shave that jackie oracle in celebration, dance around me now
help secure expensive ambergris essentials, round and round
round and round, dance around me now in your stern associations
bled relentlessly on portuguese vacations, doing time with david c
my gods deliver when the flower eats the bee
sandwich board expressions during randy hearst impressions
dance around yourself like mirror sondheim gillnet artifacts
blades arrested loudly driven into backwood barbecue, my pride
entertainer grassy knoll the single bullet theory of my soul
i knew you once upon a riddle not a rhyme
dance around me now in perfect landau boots discovered
parking lot bravado dented fenders shiny avocado
whistling her favorite beguiling torrid afternoon delight
i saw you standing there between a raft of morning shaft of night
willing statue cleaned up in this rainy correspondence
elevator bondesolange redirected cassavetes lock and key
where did andy warhol candidates fall open two one three
dance around me now and dancing pale moon embrace this summer
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