TV is killing us

directly through the brain comes a bullet sound and spin counter-attack vitriolic burning hell woven across village idiot reconnoiter go palin go beck go limbaugh go tell it on the mountain how holy and christian you are how brilliant and clever you are you wordsmiths with drivel cresting like tidal damage bleating sheep in tow doing gods dirty work are you making light of dark grief are you pulling out pieces of tooth from your victims your 9 year old victims your passionate dedicated reasonable play by the rules victims putting themselves out on the street to listen listen make some effort to help their neighbors while out along the airwaves we pay for this we provide these airwaves these radio and tv dance hall mercenary groping overpaid thug wingers pushing pablum sound bite choking brain choking discourse clogging sewer mouth corporate suits ballerina vacation dill weed our taxes laying the grid propping up motionless holding head wound saying no more but there will be more and more we die each day a little with many many commercial interruptions and who will stand up when quiet suffocation of intelligence gowned gloved surgically scrubbed i often wandered as a child through rough and rocky regions when did my falling weeping go unnoticed when did my hollow point handgun ratchet up to vilify assassinate populate this media church of scum pointed roses mashing logs and megawatts in temporal disarray gleaning hard times ahead hard times a wasting wasting country being dragged across arizona motivation hyenas dung and laughter dung and laughter
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