"Thank you for the world so sweet.

Thank you for the food we eat. Thank you for the birds that sing. Thank you god for everything."
last evening i went over to linda's house to work on spiritual chants together. we have been discussing possible projects in music for about 5 months, testing the waters, meeting up with others interested in collaboration, but this was different. the foundation was laid 3 weeks ago when she came over and recorded some chants from different regions of tibet and india, to the various gods and goddesses. we built upon that foundation with improvised guitar-voice celebrations, prayers for the moment and in the moment, spiritual chance, i think that describes it well, for more than an hour.
thanksgiving is coming up pretty soon. last year was very tough, it was the turning point in more than four years of regular visits with kore and walker, mostly at their mother's house, which was never ideal and eventually had to change. its been a difficult change, and continues to be a daily process of letting go and making new choices. i've also, through the process, continued to deepen my relationship with recovery, and have met and integrated with dance community, truly blessed in both of these ways. i've grown closer to my family, my creative work has a new depth and challenge in it, and i'm in a relationship with virginia that promotes kindness, passion, well-being, adventure, nurturing, relaxation, self-responsible and deep communication - all of the things i would have wished for had i been wishing for them - but this happened as a gift.
similar to the unfolding last evening of prayer-songs with linda. we simply got into process as individuals and let the universe take care of the rest, paying attention, being fearless, being sensitive to each other but continuing in our own work, and being free to play with the beauty of sound without judgment.
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