in case your mother has not done this yet, i'll do the traditional telling of your birth story.
it was an icy winter, not snowy but slippery out. we lived about 1/2 block from stevens hospital in edmonds where you were going to be born - we had found dr. snow who was willing to do a natural birth and was older, kindly, gentle in demeanor. on the night of december 7th contractions started and got quite regular, so we were up all night putting together everything for the birth, timing the contractions, rubbing her back, trying to rest a little. we waited until morning then walked over for an examination and by the time we got there the contractions had stopped - you were not ready to come forth yet, it was a preliminary labor.
so we got a little napping in then i went to work at 3:30pm as usual. i knew when i left the house that it was going to be a short shift for me and a long night for the 3 of us. at about 8pm melanie called and said the contractions had started again and this time they were stronger - she sounded a little frightened. i came home immediately, started timing the contractions and by 9pm we were packed up and walking through the woods to the hospital. there was no doubt this time that we would make the return walk with a baby in arms.
the labor went well, retrospectively, it was my first time. we had taken lamaze classes, i had paid close attention. i was up on the bed looking straight into melanie's eyes going through the different stages of breathing, helping monitor the dilation of her cervix, recognizing as the transition was about to hit, dealing with the nausea and everything else associated, and was alone with melanie when her water broke - kersplash!
then the nurse came back in and we went into the delivery room - an old fashioned arrangement with everyone gowned and masked, bright lights, yet still it felt like, energetically, we were in the middle of an old-growth forest. i divided my attention between taking pictures (with don hazeltine's camera) and rubbing melanie's forehead, giving encouragement, trying not to react too strongly to her labors. knowing what i know now i would have had someone else do the photography or skipped it, but by now there were 2 nurses to help me help your mom.
she was given an epistiotomy to help things along a little. then you crowned, then your head was birthed, then it was one more push and the remainder of your shining miraculous body was in dr. snow's hands - all very quickly, at about 5 in the morning on december 9th. a girl (we did not know ahead of time) and perfectly healthy in every way!
they took you away to clean you up - i followed and watched while melanie was stitched up and then you were returned to her. we went back into our room for most of the day - there was some sleep in there for all 3 of us, then we packed up everything and walked back on the little forest path to the house.
here are the lyrics from the first song i ever wrote for you (it wasn't the last) that we used to sing together (melanie, don and me) at the essene church:
i beckon to thee o morning sun
who shines without questioning why
in light of your love, beyond your kiss
the mystery opens to me
new one, shimmering sun
brought unto birth
and blessed by the spirit of god
the sky is so far from my embrace
yet i touch the clouds with my hand
the earth is our home
our father's own expression of heaven above
new one, shimmering sun
brought unto birth
and blessed by the spirit of god
the wondrous voice who speaks so clear
the truth which uncovers our pain
will walk with our tears to sorrow's end
and render us joyful again
new one, shimmering sun
brought unto birth
and blessed by the spirit of god
so deep in my heart the seed awakes
to bring forth its blossom of love
no sweeter a rose could ever live
then that which is given to him
new one, shimmering sun
brought unto birth
and blessed by the spirit of god
spirit of god