Process not perfection

recording new music gets me into the zone, no time, no distractions, focus into the moment and creatively play with movement, sound, layers of information, nuance, letting go of what my imagination wants to hear exactly and allowing what my imagination creates wholly.
i now have the basic tracks completed for 2 of the new pieces - built from combining lyrical ideas with pure experimentation. both melodies are very simple - and probably as a result my sense is today (i have some time off this afternoon) and next week a more complex structure will emerge for at least a few pieces - those sounds are ringing in my ears when i walk to work.
its like filling a vase with wine and flowers, and oddly my soul is very quiet, deeply meditative and prayerful in the early morning and during the day - an anchor keeping my ship in the harbor, safe, while tidal rise and fall, currents, winds, all tugging and pulling, blend the active process with dark tones of gratitude and reassurance.
its challenging to not have everything sound like it sounds in my head. my historical pattern is to work hard on a project, complete it, and then let it go, or perhaps even despise it for awhile, then come back around eventually and see what good work it is - driving me to begin anew.
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