Yellow pickles reward

when stepping into simple yellow pickle reward, my common in-law found his grounding sword, purchased in arcs resplendent hair unfurling on portion on burning whale oil fountain, his quickly-spent inheritance grew moss while rolling down tamalpais mountain, during after during before there was none left there were no more, blackening sky was set aright its fiery glow delivering pincushions through the night, and more combination left jabs and right hooks than ali sents and foreman tooks, poughkeepsie pride brimming over the amber glass of coronation leaving stains of juice and reason, america was born again in tears through a quietly still canal whose walls were sleeping for winter's season, "as the days grow longer the cold grows stronger" his companion whispered from the northwestern shore of a lake whose name he had forgotten but would always be revisited, her inquisitive tongue dancing round her smiling lips and eyes so bright in wink and teasing, these softest moments drive in curves and switchbacks through those hills of spirits blessing, who played that mordent both directions never knowing which and never guessing.
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