Let the cynics crowd together

but i am finding a sweet celebration of love this valentines day that i'm grateful for. with my children, my mother, my sweetheart... all of the shining streets of rain, the clients who won't call me back and the ones who say they found another application for their purposes, my friends who need support and who support me, whether in matters of love, commerce, health, ignition timing, puzzle coordination, sleep and agriculture, verses, shoe polishing, driving miss daisy, all along the watchtower, cooking with rocks on the beach, dancing senselessly backward in time and space, falling into the river of mathematics, tearing down the walls or building them back up with mortar and bricks, for this and every moment that has passed or will follow.
so photograph that anvil, blend your favorite oils and spread them thin along the back of your beloved, burst open at the seams, let a song drink you and digest you, cap that gusher with a monument of grassy knoll, dodge that bullet and pluck it from the sky with your frog's tongue laughter, blink twice if you know this one, detect a virus and send it back where it came from, pronounce the name of god any way you like, boldly go where no man has gone before, drive your horse and brush the mane of your motorbike, let the big bad wolf have a sleep by the fire, rage against the machine, play gypsy with me once again, love is a good thing.
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