Unblocking savant

there are so many ways i hesitate to stay open to support; emotional, spiritual, financial, practical advise - and it all came to a head the night before last. one of the symptoms is the gap in my writing here. once a day, bruce, not once a week. there is a quiet celebration in my soul every time i allow myself the luxury of taking these moments to act on a creative urge, let my fingers do the talking, embodiment of that flight i dream of, one step, then a second step into a space about a foot above the floor where somehow the law of gravity suspends itself and i begin an easy slide through the room, adjusting for balance, releasing into a suspended state (that is as in skinner releasing) and carve easy curves out and along the boulevard of living.
"As remarkable as the cat-drawing lesson was, it was just a hint of Snyder's work and its implications for the study of cognition. He has used TMS dozens of times on university students, measuring its effect on their ability to draw, to proofread and to perform difficult mathematical functions like identifying prime numbers by sight. Hooked up to the machine, 40 percent of test subjects exhibited extraordinary, and newfound, mental skills. That Snyder was able to induce these remarkable feats in a controlled, repeatable experiment is more than just a great party trick; it's a breakthrough that may lead to a revolution in the way we understand the limits of our own intelligence -- and the functioning of the human brain in general." (futurepundit.com)
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