Thursday, July 16, 2009

Metricious pencil somnambulist

interactive media discrimination, the hollow leg of reason burns whole tavern dissertations down through reflecting mirrors, the grasshopper of my memory on some south dakota sidewalk unburdened by life, this calculating exquisite notion leaps forward into sign post galvanized sleep-walking, hordes of anglosaxon registered nurse bun weavers tangled throughout the sea netting, theirs are octopus theories to be reckoned with, melville turban hornet nest registration pencils, moby dick dirges on the head of a pin, how now brown cow kid gloves come off in fighting ventilation, my grandmother sits at the piano, eyes closed, singing a hymn to ward off those detrimental childhood wanderings that plague me, the boxer across the street just bit my eye, i will not sleep tonight without looking beneath the bed, and if woken up by some unearthly sound may all souls blend together in sumptuous mass, helping each other through mirrors of destiny, carving our names into the tree outside your realm of hope.


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