Mayflowers workaround

there is a certain someone whose visibility, whose discovery of shores yet uncharted, has taken hands with your enmity, garnished the wages of your sin and left the front doorstep open into deep earth deliberation like gasp monkeys cranking on the organ of relative standard mayflower wreckingballs.
april came and went without a word, busy times at work and home and work and home, a bit of travel, lots of time with the kids, stretching dollars around fencepost bellyflops and ganging up on myself at the end of the day to play pin the tail on the therimin. how loopy can one manchild get?
so because dreaming led straight into comedy, dancers pieced together non-combustible versions of hide, seek, turn over, pounce, die and be reborn, fake it, take me to the river, oligarchy, new exhaust system jaguar, act now until the sale is over, mud cracking on the walls, a curtain thumbnail sketch derivative tossed longways behind a grasshopper fishingline.
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