Changes made, changes to come

this time of year i fall into spontaneous introspection, blending conversations and activity into levels of sorting through who i have been in all the chapters of my life. there is peace within this process that has eluded me in previous darkening novembers, a recognition that not only can i live with myself, but through trusting and loving my life that trust and love can be shared with others freely. so my sense of community deepens, my familial ties become more flexible and sturdy, the morning breaks open the night into joy, each moment a beautiful package unraveling its ribbons, full of delicate, precious wonders. i drink it in, i taste and smell the earthy, living contents.
there was a beautiful sunday morning dance, i made out with the floor like crazy, leaving trails of sweat like a slug in the woods, spun around the limbs, trunks, heat and light of my fellow human beings, all of us forgiven and forgiving, all of us tasting the fruit of our living vines, gathering and collapsing, falling into, merging with and within each morsel of common dream, uncommon dream, the pardox of being with and being whole in solitude, in space with others.
several people at dance mentioned the elections tomorrow. the cycles of repression and political madness come to some turn in the highway again, will it be a sharp curve, will it be another cul de sac, how do we involve and yet detach from the process? my votes are cast, my donations made, there is a role i have that i am at peace with along that line of power. be sure to check out my links to the daily kos and huffington post if you want to be in the midst of the fervor. and vote!
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