Surfeit bargainville

this law demands we consume fickle requisitions bouncing telemetrically between fashion, village blackwater, pills on hills, imploding regional mix and match hop festivals, divisive institutions placed before empty cartons of loud hannah bang bang night music, military solutions dampened by hellish scans pushed between rife and rivelet, that commmon denominator so in love with death's patchy wallop, my here and now have crept across concrete swimming pools emptied for winter's freeze, a gaping western breeze tagged to forage scraps of garbage, send them wheeling and plastered against the windshield of brazen mammoth underdeveloped charismatic lies, if you knew my now like i knew me now you would know me when i was known to whether we knew it or not, sell it upstairs grandma moses, keep it clean johnny washing machine, tell it like it is jazzy mazzy fazzy fizz, don't take any wooden nickels bonnie clyde jekel hyde lettuce mustard ketchup pickles, be yourself tiny elf, beg to differ homily fomily romily flipper, how entertaining to be called out onto the carpet and breadbasketed down the stairs, busting the railing, mentally checking into small dimensions of panic, held aloft at arms length the darling baby boy he was, now vanishing in a cloud of ether, twelve eleven ten nine eight seven six five four three two one, bye bye!
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