Cerebellum goodnik

"the little brain" that watches while i dance, crowing in gutters, that pest in control of my fingertip waggle downing strong drink to further thesis bending, curatorial efforts set aside, again my projects pile up thigh high as spring unveils her charms gushing vertigo seedpackets out into sky, walker's birthday coming up the horizon, shopping today for him was fun, a diversion from appointments and sorrow on virginia's plate, such an amazing attitude and teamwork we continue to exhibit, i look in the mirror sometimes and make sure that everything is real, that is my honest contributions are not leaving my guts in a barrel by the earthen door for bear and possum to sniff, that no one is impressing anyone with fake anything, that internal health and recovery is the foundation and springboard for any kind of help i offer or give, even baking a cake, yummy chocolate oh i highly recommend the kinnikinik (sp?) cake mix that is wheat and gluten free (add lots of oil and eggs per the instructions) for a smooth, moist, delicious experience in the evening or morning, highly advise eating while watching "the river" by jean renoir perched while reclining, perhaps with tea and spring water, this the first entry since last week as finding time or brainspace to blog is tough, life has taken charge, my writing project may bend away yet again, this time something large and long-term, like love can be, of self, of spirit, of other who is kind and honest and reflects those qualities in yourself, this is a season of healing and hoving, tunneling into why and allowing the answers to be cared for, respected, basking in the light of gratitude like turtles in lake washington's marshy sanctuary, be well, be well all.
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