Treason plains belladonna

"The Waste Land" begins with an excerpt from Petronius Arbiter’s Satyricon, in Latin and Greek, which translates as: “For once I saw with my own eyes the Cumean Sibyl hanging in a jar, and when the boys asked her, ‘Sibyl, what do you want?’ she answered, ‘I want to die.’” The quotation is followed by a dedication to Ezra Pound, Eliot’s colleague and friend, who played a major role in shaping the final version of the poem. (GradeSaver Study Guides)
orange moonies all around my hat, dancing forward pass upon my soul, their boots have sharp heels and i have been sent home to grieve my ancestors, this unholy grail that follows each meal, my present company not accepted, hinterlands scored on the front steps with someone's cousin, who came to visit, my forbidden thoughts have lingered once again, taking down notes for a sparrow's visor, drinking belladonna tea out on the wide plains of dakota, i left, my treason was perfect.
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