Nurturance in technicolor

you scratched a line into those burning sands
in your hands the line is echoed, as you well know
their suffering, invisible to you
is suffering no less and in time will show
your version of reality we all witness in silence
to stoke your ego trip down rusty rails
apologies for feeding that fire are given now
this song in color wheel is churning compassion
how left behind my windows carve the scene
eliptical in nature, coming around, ali is dancing
telling all is future, now and past
letting light contain this essential movement
i knew you then i know you now and yet
the distance will be vast and wild, and that is an improvement
"Differentiation is the process of becoming distinct or unique. It’s about finding a niche in which you can thrive different from the competition’s niche.
It’s the same process businesspeople know so well: If three restaurants open in the same small town, each has to specialize in order to survive. One advertises Mexican cuisine. Another becomes known for preparing seafood. A third features omelets.
Your kids have to learn to differentiate in just the same way. Some combination of built-in strengths and praise and support leads each to discover a way to shine uneclipsed by a sister’s or a brother’s success." (Dr. Benjamin Garber)
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