Devils tower underground

as children we ganged in our rapid city secret society, the judy avenue gang of bicycle hoodlums ages 4 through 8, tearing up the roads, burning, smoking, stealing, giving all sorts of looks to all sorts of alarmed adults, hiding in the back yards, bikes laid out next to each other as the angry store owners drove by, answering to the police when they came to the door with big doe eyes of innocent concern and fear, no vandal no i, no arson no thief, not i, just baby innocent boy with rolled-up jeans and crewcut, green schwinn bike, just the right size for my 5-year-old speedster abilities, sidewalk, street, over the curb, across the lawn, up the dirtpath, through the weeds, keep pedalling and let the wind blow free, find that quiet corner to hide and listen to the howling rage of broken weather, fast from the east, tornado tearing down the fence, gone now, everyone can climb on through.
"There are two theories about how Devils Tower formed. One theory holds that Devils Tower is a laccolith. A laccolith is a large mass of igneous (volcanic) rock which intruded through sedimentary rock beds but did not actually reach the surface, producing a rounded bulge in the sedimentary layers above. The other theory is that Devils Tower is a volcanic plug, or the neck of an extinct volcano. The composition of the volcanic material that makes up Devils Tower suggests that the magma body was fairly thick when it formed, thus enabling it to maintain the shape it presently has. A thinner magma body would form a hard layer over a wider area that resists erosion and remains a flat plateau. But, since it was relatively thick, the magma pushed into a massive lump, forming its visible shape. The magma then solidified, preserving Devils Tower." (
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