Sell fish

across the street from china, merry widow waltz vagina, belly fuller by the hour, crested plume and gilded flower, saw you there your conversation building trills in adulation for my simple mind expansion up her staircase inner mansion, lettuce colleagues peaches folton begging for the lava molten flowing down in smoky river take me now i will deliver take me now i will deliver take me now i will deliver
mortars crafted stone and scribbled words upon my chin where dribbles form and tenderly descending started slowly never ending swirl encapsulated venom tricky songs we segregate them out along the highway holy exposition dealing souly periscopes and comic wrinkles dusting time with golden sprinkles flowing down in smoky river take me now i will deliver take me now i will deliver take me now i will deliver
enter foliage peering curious at hidden bird while furious mother marches in behind you takes a peck to try to blind you were you hungry were you marching to the cavern with your parching throat exposed and all a flutter pass the apple pass the butter spread it all across your fingers let me touch you i'm a singer flowing down in smoky river take me now i will deliver take me now i will deliver
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