Loose ends, a new lake

in the story of jack and the beanstalk, at least as i remember it and tell it, well actually its been awhile but i took a stab at it last night, there were a few details that the ending left unanswered that concerned me.
like what about the giant's wife, when jack cut the beanstalk and the giant fell to his death, what about his wife back up in the sky, who ever gave her the news, who consoled her, was she able to have closure by visiting the body, was she left alone for the rest of time or were there other eligible giants for her to consider connecting with?
and when the giant hit the ground, did it make a huge dent that later filled with water, and if so, which lake is that and what would it be like to swim in it?
virginia asked a few great questions as well, during my telling of the story, like "isn't that stealing?" and "was he scared?"
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