Beeline to empathy

oh, anger anger anger at something so small, a grain of sand. remembering my own muscle of ego pushing for recognition puts me on a beeline to empathy. let this go, it has had its moment. let the day continue in its soft beauty, making known the willingness in my heart to find joy, pleasure, clarity, wealth, spirit.
yesterday john and i had a fabulous walk, went from the new olympic sculpture park up to the locks in ballard, enjoying art, nature, industrial throw-aways, idling diesel engines just a few feet away from us, the back streets opposite the locks, discussion of boats, apartments (virginia and i are going to look for a management gig) family issues, boot sizes, 5-spice duck and black rice pudding.
tonight i meet with a new sponsee, then work around the apartments, perhaps do some printing, certainly do some writing and music playing, then pick up virginia at 9:30 for wind-down and recap, reading a little jane eyre together, making plans for the week.
i plan to do a house concert this coming sunday at 5:30pm (well, i play at 6 but the bake sale starts at 5:30) if you are reading this and want more details please send an email.
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