Andalusian periwinkle

whenever the bluenote evidence wrings stamen fertilization decadence through rollers of hair soft downy flowing behind ears common soft needing to be cleaned restless hands touching hems of lily turbulence vast reaches of sand and sea grasses trampled by andalusian horse my raining feet fall around you in dance we seat ourselves across from each other making small whiny throat gesticulations your periwinkle eyes spark my bit is clenched and loosened in one movement falling from my raininghorse mouth tempting three bachelor button blue chivalry compositions over edge of standing water by portugese bay smelling salts train track rover combinations flooding through at high tide ominous tutelage my son weeping after meeting his fingers non-specific warts appearing turning larger with each passing day oh restless youth we made this horse our wedding gift because nothing larger would fit inside the box of rain
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