Life precious life

i just heard this morning that Bill Mitchell, part of my extended family through a close friendship of our 2 daughters, and one of his sons, Noah, both died this week unexpectedly from heart failure. Bill's death was a direct result of his son's death. there is no reason that this kind of thing happens, no way for me to understand it. my own mortality is underscored by this tragedy, and at a time where my spiritual work is focused on making sure everyone who has been touched by my life knows that i care. every day is a precious gift, every person in my life provides a lesson for me on how to love, how to empathize and care, how to celebrate the miracle of existence. my experience with grief is limited, both of my parents and all 3 of my children are by grace, healthy and happy. everything is relative and objectivity is impossible. i feel so much for Bill and Noah's family, all of whom i have known, all wonderful and sincere people, sensitive, loving, and now my heart goes out to them and i pray for their courage, their healing. we hear all of the time that losing a child prior to our own passing is an enormous shock, how true and present that reality seems today.
life precious life, we wander lost at times, stumble over your limbs at times, dance along the edges of your chasms, pretend to not remember, not to know, descend into shadow where your light is dim at times, rush through your miraculous beauty, balance precariously across the bow of your steaming ship, tie ourselves to the trunk of your falling oak, mask ourselves so you won't recognize us when we defile you at times, all with grace watching over, waiting for our faces to turn like flowers into the sun, seeking your nourishment, your glorious wine of joy and sorrow.
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